The Multicultural Sexual Health Network (MSHN) was launched in April 2013 with the first forum, An increased intake, a better response: addressing the health needs of greater numbers of refugees and asylum seekers, attracting more than 80 professionals. The network...
CEH delivered a total of 94 half-day training sessions to 1,159 participants in 2013. This compares to 77 half-day sessions delivered to 1,514 participants in 2012, and represents an overall increase of 16 per cent in session delivery.
CEH worked with other organisations to form the Trainers Network that brings together representatives from comparable organisations that provide cultural competence education and training. Network membership includes: Foundation House, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre,...
A Training Steering Group was established to support collaboration across CEH in the design and delivery of best practice cultural competence training. Membership includes the Professional Learning Coordinator, Information Services Coordinator, and CEH staff that have...
CEH delivered training to 1,159 professionals across Victoria. A total of nine calendar training sessions were delivered to 160 participants in 2013. The topics that receiving strongest demand were: Understanding the Sexual Health and Wellbeing Needs of Refugee Young...